From January 1st to December 31st, my goal is to stream create 100 6 Figure Traders, live for you all to see in my 365 Day Accelerator.



In the year 2024, I want to do something that's never been done before. Stream similar to Kai Cenat & Adin Ross, and help traders grow their small account to 6 figures+, or have 6 figures worth of payouts from Prop Firms. This will require hours of streaming as I will personally be trading day to day as well. If you've ever been a part of any signals chat, this is a signals chat on steroids.



Look at our schedule below, to see exactly what we're doing, when we're doing, and how we're doing it.

Download Offline & Add Playlists To Your Favorite Streams

Have a playlists for all WINS so you can have a full catalog of every single win we've had. Also, you can create a playlist for all LOSSES so you can get better psychologically. Also, not ONLY do we have a Mobile App, but all videos are able to be downloaded and watched on your phone offline.



Everyone knows I'm releasing my very OWN Prop Firm next month. For those who are a part of the 365 Accelerator, you will receive a discount for the Firm for AS long as you're in here! That's right. I said that. As long as you're in the accelerator, if you want to buy 10 challenges, you'll receive a discount on all 10. No ifs, ands, or buts. The only way the discount doesn't apply is if you're not in here.



What is the 365 Accelerator Program?

There isn't a single person in this industry who you can name who can say they physically made 100 - 6 Figure Traders, live, have a full video catalog for everyone to watch of ALL of their trades in a full year, or grew a small account from 4 figures to 7. These feats may have been done off the record but not ON. Prime example: You can say so and so's teachings helped make someone 6 figures in their own time. Absolutely. I can say the same about my teachings. I've helped plenty of people. I even have a millionaire under my belt. But what we can't say is: "We were on a live stream with our students every day until ___ number of students made 6 figures, verifiable through a third-party journal."

No teacher can say "well I took 417 trades this year, and I have all 417 documented in a video catalog for everyone to see.

No educator can say: "I took a small account from 4 figures to 7 figures ON the record, on a live stream for you all to see."

And that's what I want to do in this industry so years from now, no one can ever question my teachings, and I can be super fulfilled knowing I had a physical hand in doing what's never been done before.

What do you Mean by Signals on Steroids?

With a regular signals chat, we call signals from behind the screen, or even jump on a webinar and do so. What NO one in this industry does is:

Do a Kai Cenat/Adin Ross 2-3 hour live stream before the trade, during the trade, and after the trade so traders can see all emotions, consistently for a full YEAR.

This is what I want to accomplish and why I call it the 365 Day Accelerator Program. Because I personally will be growing a 4 figure account to 7 figures for you all to see, and you all can follow with me on your own personal accounts; or trade your own Funded Account & I will physically help you get to where you want to get to. My goal, is 100!

Can I Cancel Any Time?

Absolutely. We implore you stick through with it through the whole 365 days, but you absolutely can cancel at any time.

Reason being is because I plan on committing a FULL year to you guys. This may be my Final Curtain Call of the Industry. And for you guys, there may be a month where things seem to be going left; and you need to stick around so we can all make it go right! You need to see the ups and downs in real life time so that by the END of the year, you can say that you are not a TRADER and not someone who wishes to be a trader.

Is Swaggy Trading The Entire Year, or is He Going to Be Active One Month and Gone The Next?

This is Swaggy directly writing this. Here's a simple answer. Yes. I am trading the entire year.

So much so, that if there's ever a time where I miss 3 full weeks without a death in the family or a valid reason, you'll receive a full refund. It's that simple. I'm going to show each & every one of you that not only is it levels between me & other traders in this industry, but that you can become a profitable trader by following me for a full year.

The membership should also pay for itself with our teachings.

What Is Swaggy's Only Requirement?

My only requirement is that since it's only $75/month, I implore you all to stick with this for the full 365 days. I can't guarantee you that within 15 days, you'll be lit. But within 365 days? I can guarantee you, you will NOT regret this purchase and you will either have been:

- One of the students who made 6+ figures

- Someone who's on their way to doing so

- Someone who's fully funded and have received several payouts.

So my only requirement is for you to stick through the full accelerator. And if at ANY POINT within the first month you make a good amount of profit; I'm talking thousands, you DON'T think you're "too good" for this group anymore, and you continue to pour into it, because the full 365 days will be life changing.

What Is Our Refund Policy?

Our commitment to your success is unwavering, and we stand by the quality of our services. As a result, absolutely no refunds will be granted for 1-month, 6-month, or yearly memberships, except if there's ever a time when Swaggy misses 3 full weeks without a death in the family or a valid reason. Our commitment is to provide you with consistent and valuable services, and this exception ensures accountability in delivering on the 365 plan. This commitment-based service is designed for individuals dedicated to the entire duration of their chosen plan.

We encourage you to consider this as a commitment to your trading journey, and we advise that you only commit to plans you are willing to stay for the entire duration. The success of our community is built on collective commitment and the shared experiences of our members. While we understand that circumstances may vary, we cannot issue refunds for those who choose to opt-out prematurely.

Please carefully consider your commitment level before selecting a plan, and rest assured that our dedication to your growth and success remains our top priority throughout your membership journey.

What is the Difference Between a Stream and a Webinar?

A webinar is me just getting on for 40 minutes, talking, and dipping off.

A stream is similar to Kai Cenat or Adin Ross where we are on for hours at a time, trading together, listening to music together, growing our accounts together, studying together, and more. This is seriously signals on steroids. 

Does the 365 Day Accelerator mean We're Streaming Every Day for 365 Days?

No. That just means it's a full 365 day journey. Meaning there may be a time where we have 5 days of rest for a mental break because our trading isn't in the right space. That also means there may be a time where we place 42 trades in 23 days because we're hitting a hot streak.

The 365 Day Accelerator simply means that this is a full YEAR long journey and by the end of it, I will have taken a 4 figure account to 7 figures, and my goal is to create 100, 6 Figure Traders between those in here. If I create way more whether it's on a Broker or 6 Figure Payouts on a Prop Firm across multiple Props, AMAZING! But this is our TARGET. And that's what the 365 Accelerator is all about.

How Will This Affect Swaggy's Prop Firm Launching Next Month?

It doesn't. For those who join the 365 Accelerator, you will receive a discount on ALL CHALLENGES as long as you're in the Accelerator.